This kit can be purchased empty, or customized with the supplies you need.
Level 1 Contents
-Biohazard Bag
-Hand Sanitizer
-Saftey Goggles
-Patient Care Reports
-Pocket Mask
-Exam Gloves
Level 2 Contents
-4x4 Gauze
-ABD Pads
-BZK Wipes
-Telfa (3x4 & 4x5)
-Triple Antibac
-Bandage Scissors
-Elestic Banages
-Trauma Shears
-Stretch Gauze
-Benedryl Pills
-String Relief Pads
Level 3 Contents
-Triangluar Bandages
-Chest Seal
-Saftey Blanket
-SAM Splint
-S-Rolled Gauze
-Mini-Compression Guaze
-Ratcheting Tourniquet
-T-3 Banages
-Kerlix Sm and Lg
-BP Kit
-Tape (Athletic)
-Water (Sterile)
-Burn Spray
-Benedryl Spray
-Burn Cream
MedSlinger 13"x 6" (Empty)
SKU: #Med6